Essential Oils: For Mama and Baby

I enjoy learning about essential oils and using them around the house.  Young Living – produces amazing “therapeutic grade” essential oils. There is a difference between these oils and the oils you may find at your local grocery or health food store! Essential oils can be pricey but they are so potent… and a little goes a long way!

~ Essential Oils For Mama ~

(I put this list together for my labor and birth.)

Lavender – dulls and eases uterine pain but also increases the strength of contractions while calming the mother and stabilizing blood pressure. Lavender is also great for mother struggling with mastitis. Great for reducing stretch marks!

Application: Diffuser, direct application, mist, bath water.

Peppermint – Nausea.

Application: Inhalation, supplement, diffuser.

Cypress – restores a feeling of stability and security, used to prevent hemorrhaging.

Application: direct application (around the closest artery/veins – not on wound.)

Valor – promotes strength, courage, and protection. Use for trauma wounds, perennial massage, and hemorrhoids after birth.

Application: Diffuser, direct application.

Clary Sage – relieves tension, brings on labor, help to expel afterbirth. (Do not use until full-term!)

Application: Diffuser, supplement, direct application to spine or feet, or bath water.

Jamine – dulls uterine pain, strengthens contractions, promotes birth and increases milk supply. Excellent when mixed with lavender and a carrier oil of evening primrose for perennial and cervical massage.

Application: Diffuser, inhale, dilute with carrier oil and apply directly.

Myrrh – speeds labor, opens cervix.

Application: Diffuser, or apply topically.

Neroli – reduces fear, tension, insomnia, apprehension, and anxiety. Use during transition period of labor.

Application: Diffuser, one drop on pillow, or spray.

Rose – cleansing effect on the uterus, antidepressant, softens ligaments, opens cervix.

Application: bath water.

Ylang Ylang – relieves high blood pressure.

Application: Diffuser, inhalation, or direct application.

PanAway – reduces muscle tension. Use for back labor pains.

Application: Dilute and apply topically.

~ Essential Oils For Baby ~

(I keep these handy in our nursery or diaper bag.)

Lavender – calming, burns, cuts, skin irritations, antimicrobial.

Gentil Baby / Peace and Calming – My secret weapon! Knocks Ori out every time. ;D

Frankincensescars, respiratory, cough, digestion, drying the umbilical cord.

Lemon – immune boosting, cold relief.

Thieves – antimicrobial.

Valorbalancing to structural part of body, bumps and bruises.

PanAway – pain relief.

Purification – bug bites, bee stings, wasp bites, snake bites, mosquito repellant.

Cypress – bleeding.

Rose Ointment – skin irritations.

Thieves Spray – disinfectant.

LavaDerm Cooling Mist – burns, cuts, abrasions.



{Cloth Diapering Essentials}

 {Oriyah modeling her cloth diaper!}

Cloth diapering is making a comeback! Gone are the days of prefolds and pins…{ enter }… the pocket diaper! When I first read about cloth diapers I was skeptical.  My main concerns were: {Will I have to touch poo?!?} {More laundry is the last thing I need!} {Yikes, $18 per diaper?!?} But… fortunately, after more research I decided to give it a try. We have been successfully cloth diapering for the last 6 months and I’m loving it!

We choose to cloth diaper mainly to save money. The average cost of diapering a child from birth to potty-training is $2500! I spent about $350 on all my cloth diapering supplies which will last for future little ones as well. You do the math!!! Secondly, it’s much better for the environment! I’m not a tree-hugger but we do have a responsiblity to be good stewards of our finances and our earth. Did you know it takes an estimated 500 years for disposable diapers to degrade? Since disposables are a relatively new invention – this means that every dirty diaper every used is sitting in a landfill somewhere. GROSS!

Contrary to what you might think… cloth diapering is super easy! You are going to be changing diapers anyway. 😉

These are my cloth diaper essentials:

16-20 Fuzzibunz One-Size Cloth Diapers

EcoPosh Wool Diaper Cover

1 Fuzzibunz Hanging Pail Liner (I Love the zipper on the bottom!)

2 Wet Bags

30+ Grovia Cloth Wipes

Diaper Sprayer

Kissaluvs Diaper Lotion Potion (Makes a great wipes solution!)

2 Mini Spray Bottles

Biodegradable Liners

Allens Naturally Detergent

Rockin Green Funk Rock (Great for stripping diapers!)

With a stash of 18 diapers, I usually do diaper laundry every other day. Diaper laundry is easy to do and it turns out you don’t have to touch poo! {YAY} Fuzzibunz cost about $18 per diaper. There are cheaper alternatives but cloth diapers isn’t something I wanted to skimp on. Fuzzibunz are the most recommended cloth diapers and are very good quality. I think of them as investments since I will be using them for multiple babies (hopefully). Most moms find they prefer pocket diapers over other types and they are just as simple and easy to use on the go as disposables. Black Friday and holiday sales are the best time to stock up on cloth diapers. I ended up paying about $9 for mine! Check discount sites and craigslist for gently-used diapers.

My Favorite Discount Sites!

My Favorite Cloth Diaper Resources on Youtube!

Have any questions? Leave them in the comments below!



“Food Before For One… Just For Fun?”

During my pregnancy, I decided to delay introducing solids until Oriyah was at least six months old. Numerous studies have outlined the benefits of waiting until a babies digestive system is more mature to introduce foods such as lessened risk of developing food allergies. After reading about the nutritional benefits of making homemade baby food v. store-bought baby food…(even the Organic stuff) I decided that was something I wanted to do as well. Our {slightly crunchy} pediatrician encouraged me that breastfeed babies do not need solid foods for at least the first six months and that homemade foods were best for baby.

When we received  a few baby food making gadgets over the holidays I was excited to start whipping up my own baby food. Honestly, I was a little disappointed when Oriyah wanted nothing to do with my yummy creations. She would turn her head, refuse to open her mouth, or spit the food back out with a disgusted look on her face. At eight months old she is still exclusively breastfeed… for the most part. Over the last few months I have offered her different puree foods and little pieces of avocado and banana and let her go to town… exploring. 😀

A few weeks ago at a consignment event, I struck up a conversation with another mom who had a baby girl two weeks older than Ori. When she asked what we were doing for solids I simply told her Ori wasn’t very interested, that a few times a week I will offer solids so she can explore and get used to different textures and flavors, but that for the most part we are still breastfeeding and we are happy. The lady lectured me on how I was harming my baby by denying her solids and how if I didn’t introduce them soon she would never eat them. {Guilt Trip OVERLOAD!}

I came home asking that question first-time moms find themselves asking often, “Am I doing the right thing?” …. “Am I ruining my child?” Looking for answers, I logged onto the La Leche league Forum to see if other moms had written about delaying solid foods or babies who just weren’t interested. I was encouraged to find that it seemed to be common for some breastfeed babies not to be interested in solid foods until much later. I came across the phrase… “Food Before One Is Just For Fun.” While that may be controversial to some… I agree! Breast milk is specially designed for each baby and actually changes to adapt to their nutritional needs and demands as they grow. It is perfectly healthy and safe for the majority of a baby’s caloric intake to come from breast milk for at least the first 12-14 months. I figure… when she is ready… she’ll be ready.

All this to say… if you find yourself with a breastfeed baby who isn’t very interested in solid foods right away… don’t stress! There is no need to force feed your baby! Just remember… “Food Before One Is Just For Fun”!

*Note* I am not a pediatrician or nutritionist. I encourage all mama’s to do some research and do what works for you and your baby. All babies are different.


{Greatest Inventions: Breastfeeding Edition}

To all my new mommy friends,

Breastfeeding… it’s a lot harder than it sounds! Here is a list of the {greatest inventions} that helped me overcome some common nursing issues.

Traditional Medicinals – Organic Mother’s Milk Tea

This yummy tea has a great blend of organic herbs that help promote lactation. Drinking a few cups a day during the first few weeks after baby helps establish a good milk supply. DO NOT… I REPEAT DO NOT… over do it! My midwife told me they had a mama drink this like it was raspberry leaf tea (by the gallon)… lets just say… it’s very difficult for a tiny baby to latch onto a brick wall and engorgement is no fun. 😉

Gilligan & O’Malley® Womens Side Sling Nursing Tank

I spent a decent amount of money on expensive nursing bras but these comfy tanks have been my go-to… can’t live without them! The best part is they are $16.99 at Target!


Nursing Cover –

I have tried several different covers and this one is my favorite. Unlike other covers, the rigid neckline gives you direct eye contact with baby!

Philips AVENT – Comfort Breast Shells

LIFESAVER! Loved these! If you need shells try these! Out of the three brands I tried these were by far the best!

Medela Contact – Nipple Shield

For mamas with latch issues or flat nipples, these come in handy! Make sure you get Medela Contact shields. Shields are a pain to deal with but it’s what kept me going. Ori weaned herself off using them at around eight weeks old.

Earth Mama Angel Baby – Natural Nipple Butter

Great stuff!

Lansinoh LatchAssist Nipple Everter

This is another great product for anatomically challenged mamas. I only needed to use this for the first few weeks but it was worth the $12!


Bobby Pillow

My boppy pillow is well-loved. 😀


Lansinoh Soothies Gel Pads

Great invention! These offer mamas cooling relief… like adhesive ice packs. ;D


La Leche League  –

Amazing resource! Whenever I have a breastfeeding related issue I check out what other mama’s have to say on the forum.







A Difficult Transition – Sleep Training Update #1

Alex and I have come to our first difficult bump in the road when it comes to parenting decisions. 😥 We are still praying about how or if we are going to sleep train Oriyah. Sleep training isn’t something that I thought a lot about during my pregnancy. How hard could it be right? You simply put your kids to bed! Ha… It’s funny how the things you say you will never do – before becoming a parent – you end up doing! I always said I didn’t want to co-sleep but we ended up doing it out of nessecity.

Oriyah is a little high maintenance – like her mama. {wink} She did NOT sleep a wink for the first 72 hours after she was born. As a newborn she always wanted to be held. My natural instinct was to comfort her and that’s what I did. The second we placed her in a bassinet she would pump out the tears! I tried once to let her cry for 10 minutes to see if she would settle down but it only made her more upset and me about to go into cardiac arrest! It just didn’t feel right. So… from week 1 she started sleeping in bed with us. Alex and I both love it! It is so precious to fall asleep at night laying next to my baby and wake up to her bright eyes and toothless grin in the morning! Co-sleeping makes nighttime feedings a breeze. Overall, I’ve really enjoyed it.

However, now that she has become mobile it’s become more difficult. We have a queen size bed and it’s a tight squeeze with a baby sprawled out between us. Alex is also a really light sleeper. The moment she moves or makes a sound at night he is wide awake. He usually ends up sleeping on the couch about once a week which is not ideal! Living in a one bedroom apartment with no room for a crib and thin walls also complicated things!

In 4 days we are moving and Ori will finally have her own room! Now the trick is figuring out how to get her to sleep in it! We are both sad but know it’s probably time to make the difficult transition from co-sleeping to independent sleeping. I need her to sleep by herself during naps throughout the day so I can get stuff done! Alex and I would also like to be able to stay up and spend time together after she goes down for the night.

I would be 100% happy if we could train her to nap in her crib and sleep in her crib part of the night… that way I can still wake up to her sweet face jibber-jabbering in the morning! But how…? How can I achieve that without traumatizing her or myself?!? We are both pretty attached and she also likes to comfort nurse and won’t take a pacifier. :/

I think we will keep her with us a few weeks after moving… too much change at one time is not good for babies. Once she is acclimated to the new place we can start training her . It will be a progressive transition from our room to taking naps in her room to sleeping at night in her big girl bed.
I have heard that doing the same routine (read the same book, sing the same song, and always give them a kiss) helps them to feel comforted and associate those things with bedtime. I guess we will see :/

I’m not comfortable with letting her cry-it-out for too long. It’s definitely one of those ( it hurts me more than it hurts you) feelings! While I don’t think kids whose parents use the cry-it-out method suffer permanent emotional  damage – it just doesn’t feel right!?! Do I love Ori too much?

Numerous reputable studies have shown that leaving a baby to cry causes them to produce an elevated level of stress hormones which can have a negative effect on their health and growth. On the other hand… I’m sure her waking up every time I try and “sneak away” isn’t the best for her either.  She needs quality sleep. But if I don’t let her cry how will she learn to sleep by herself? Will she think if she fusses for a few minutes mommy will come get me?!?

Any veteran moms have words of wisdom for me?



Pregnancy: Must Reads!!!

I am a reader and researcher. During my pregnancy, I read these books and found them to be great resources! Thought I’d share. 😀


    The Jewish Pregnancy Book: A Resource for Soul, Body &   Mind During Pregnancy, Birth & the First Three Months 

I enjoyed how this book approached the spiritual aspect of pregnancy as it relates to Judaism.



 Praying Through Your Pregnancy: An Inspirational Week-by-Week Guide for Bonding with Your Baby

I looked forward to reading about and praying over my babies development each week.



 Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Years

Great resource! A no-nonsense guide to natural remedies for pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and little ones.



Real Food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby’s First Foods

Great overview of nutrition for pregnancy and what “eating for two” is all about.




 Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation

  Discusses childbirth as a right of passage and a natural (not medical) event.





 HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method

Don’t know that I’d agree with everything in this book but I did benefit from its practical relaxation techniques.


 What books did you find helpful? Post a comment below!



“Light of G-d”

Born July 20th, 2011.

9:07 PM

7 lbs 5 oz.

19 3/4 in.

Ori was  born gently and peacefully in water into her  fathers hands. Our birth was a beautiful testament of how birth can and should be… as natural as possible. During the course of my 19 hour labor I was encouraged and comforted by scriptures, prayers from the woman’s siddur, soft music, essential oils, the use of a birthing tub, unhindered movement, and the gentle hands of my husband, mother, and midwives. Our bodies are truly fearfully and wonderfully made and Hashem is truly merciful!

~Her Name~

Oriyah means “light of G-d”

Alexandria means “defender of man” (after her daddy) 😀

Our prayer is that she will bring the light of Hashem to everyone she comes in contact with, especially her people Israel.

  The following scriptures were the inspiration for her name.

Daniel 12:3
“And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”
Psalm 112:4
Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.
Isaiah 42:16
I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.
Isaiah 49:6
he says: “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”

